viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

"From the Laboratory to the Field"

I'm not sure if he is the best in bioantrhopology, but at least he is a important Bioanthropologist. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor is director of HENGE (Human Epidemology Nutrition Growth Ecology Research Group, this entity is part of Cambridge University.
So the HENGE is a institut of academic formation, It offers a Masters course in Applied Biological Anthropology.
In my last post I said than "I'm interested to develop a line of research about populations alive", I alluded to this type of investigation.
He synthesizes really well than I believe, like bioanthropologist we can't understand the differents human diseases from only biolociacal sciences, and the same way we can't understand the social process without to considerate our biological dimension.
In other words we must to develop a approach from the combination of the social and natural sciences for -as He says- to provide the most comprehensive understanding.
I like his concpetion of the bioanthropology, because I think than betwen the culture and how the people live they diseases exists a strong connection.
And when we will do any field-work or applied research, we have to remember than association if we pretend to offer a viable solution for problems lnked with disease, nutritional status, growth and reproductive ecology.

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