But Transantiago also has worse aspects than the previous system for example now you must combine different routes or means of transport as the underground and bus for arriving at your destination. If well maybe someone considerate this aspect it isn’t a radical problem but rather a problem of custom. I think it is a problem in the most of cases because before Transantiago the routes or trips in general were more direct than nowdays. Addition have decreased the number of routes and machines by routes and if this be little exists a big frequency problem at some opportunities two, three or four buses of the same route pass one after other, late doesn’t pass anyone to until half hour or fourty five minutes more. And Its seats are so uncomfortable especially those that are on wheels.

Before Transantiago you knew that busses would pass but now you can’t be sure also you had a lot of different chances of travel for example if I had start study when yet existed the pre-transantiago system I had can toke four different routes for arriving to university. But now I depend completely of underground and the approach buses. Uf! And is better don’t speak about the underground (always it is crowed and people push and push you).
Transantiago has changed from its begin to actual status, now is better because have increase the quantity of buses (but it isn’t enough yet) and have been amplied. For improving Transantiago I think that is necessary increase the number of buses by routes, improve the indications in the bus stop and check the wait time. The last thing before finishing this post, I don’t understand why doesn’t open the first door that has the advertisement only for crippled persons or of third age.