viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

My last term

Three weeks ago I went back to study at university after a couple of vacation's weeks. With new courses and the new experience of going to a different faculty is more easy to refer my last semester. Because now I can weigth the appropriateness of my last courses.

In general the last term was difficult for me, mainly by my doubts about the speciality than I chose.I wasn't concentrate in my courses so I didn't study enough, I spent my time imagine where I would be if I had chose other speciality.

I learnt the most important indicators for estimating sex and age (from human skeletal remains)in , this activities constitute the basic knowlodges than a physical anthropology should know.

I'm not sure if correct at least in my case to do the difference betwen free time and study or academic time, becouse when I had to study I went to a walk with my dog or I visited my girlfriend. And after that I spent a lot of nights studying or doing works than was for the next day.

Late I realized than it was damaging for my physical and mental health. If well I had various courses than don't interest me and also they were very hard, It was my fault got bad final marks and lost some kilograms of weigth.

The best thing of my last semester was to know that I rely on a great little course.

1 comentario:

  1. I hope you got yourself better organized this last semester.

    Three weeks ago I went back to study at THE university after a couple of vacation's weeks. With new courses and the new experience of going to a different faculty IT is more easy to refer TO my last semester. Because now I can weigh the appropriateness of my last courses.

    In general the last term was difficult for me, mainly DUE TO my doubts about the speciality than I chose.I wasn't concentrateD in my courses so I didn't study enough, I spent my time imagiNING where I would be if I had choseN ANother speciality.

    I learnt the most important indicators for estimating sex and age (from human skeletal remains) , thESE activities constitute the basic knowlodge thaT a physical anthropologIST should know.

    I'm not sure if I WAS correct, at least in my case, WHEN MAKING the difference betwen free time and study or academic time, becAuse when I had to study I went FOR a walk with my dog or I visited my girlfriend. And after that I spent a lot of nights studying or doing ASSSIGNMENTs than WERE DUE the next day.

    LateR I realized than THIS was damaging my physical and mental health. EVEN WHEN I had various courses than dIDn't interest me and also thAT were ALSO very hard, It was my fault IF I got bad final marks and lost some kilograms of weigth.

    The best thing ABOUT my last semester was to know/REALIZE that I rely on a great little course.(.?)
